Friday, February 19, 2010

Dhading School rebuilding project - Winter 2010

The Nepali people of Dhading district spent much of the winter building the new school rooms. Much of the fundraising we have done over the past 2 years or so contributed to this project. The teacher salaries are paid through the district, facilities are provided by local villages. Because they are  relatively poor, there is little cash for supplies, but they are willing to provide the labor. So, we have contributed about $3800 USD for supplies and the local people spent December to early February building. Take a look at this wonderful project. I do not know if I can visit the school this spring, but I will try.
Thanks to the many people who donated to the school and those who bought tickets to the slide shows. These children will be better off for a quality school in which to learn.
Thank you, thank you,

1 comment:

Benjamin said...

Fun to see and read what you have been out to lately. I will read your entire blog from Nepal this Christmas brake. Benjamin